Touch Sensory Experiences: Cutaneous (pressure, vibration, temperature), kinesthetic (limb movement), proprioceptive (body position), pain, roughness, spatial recognition (location), size, weight, and vibration.
Visual System: Vision.
Auditory System: Hearing.
Vestibular System: Movement and balance.
Taste System: Taste.
Olfactory System: Smell.
K.O. Johnson, T. Yoshioka, F. Vega-Bermudez.( 2000). Tactile functions of mechanoreceptive afferents innervating the hand, Journal of Clinical Neurophysioly, The Senses of Touch - Temperature, Pressure, and Pain available at: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/intro-haptics-senses-touch-temperature-pressure-pain-patrick-coe/